Zen Japanese Massage
Welcome to Zen Japanese Massage, where a profound belief in the efficacy of manual therapy guides their approach. At Zen, the primary goal is to address physical ailments through hands-on techniques.
With a focus on remedial massage, Zen Japanese Massage tailors treatments to meet individual needs, whether short-term or long-term. The team is committed to going beyond providing mere moments of relief; they strive to offer genuine alleviation from pain.
Drawing from strict Japanese traditions that uphold perfection, Zen holds itself to exacting standards. Each therapist is a seasoned professional with a combined total of 73 years of experience in Australia and Japan. Continually seeking to outperform industry benchmarks and refine massage quality, Zen is dedicated to mastering advanced techniques and delivering optimal solutions for clients' well-being.
Zen Japanese Massage Trading Hours
Monday - Saturday
9:00am - 7:00pm
About Zen Japanese Massage